Very Inspiring Blogger Award

An  award from  Otrazhenie – the very inspiring blogger award. Thanks, Otrazhenie.




Really glad that you liked my blog and found it inspiring !

And so much of thanks for my second award in my almost second month of WordPress!

So, not wasting time(as I always do) the Rules for the nomination


1. Display the award logo on your blog (DONE!)
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.(DONE!)
3. State 7 things about yourself.(AMMM…KK…WILL DO)
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.(NEED TIME)
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.(FINE!)



7 things about me (already did it some 3-4 days a go, but ok…)


1. I love music.

2. I love food.

3. Writing is my passion, my love and my life. Want to be a good writer in my future.

4. I dont like these rules like, “7 bloggers / 15 bloggers /10 bloggers”, it should be the number of bloggers we feel are deserving, more than this or less, so I m breaking them. Sorry.

5. I love the colors blue, black and red.(many others too, but these are my fav)

6. I dont know what to write now. 😦

7. I really dont know what to say right now. 😥


So, done with the things, now nominations for the award


1. thenaughtypoet

2. thurstanbassett

3. musingsoftompo

4. taniamend


6. forwomenseyesonly

7. soumyav

8. lly1205

9. The Daydreamer




 So, that’s it.  😉


Sorry if I missed anyone deserving, I will sure add them later if I get to remember.


Thanks friends, 2 months, 2 awards…not bad. 😀

Love you all,

Enjoy our paradox! 

