Introduction to poetry writing


So many times, we want to know, “how to write a poem”. Well, I will post about it next time, but before that, one must know, what exactly a poem is. I’m not talking about its definition of course, you may find that too much on the web. We are talking what it is, what it is meant to be.

Poetry is a way of expression, a way of demonstration of ones way of thinking and reasoning, ones conflicts…a window to what one is. It works on social issues, the way the society thinks and the way it should.

 How often we may deny it, poetry films the poet (Though only a part).

Now, what a poem consists of;

1)     Rhyme

2)   Metre and Scales

3)    Puns and other literary criticism (or plain straight)



Rhymes have been an important part of the poetry since time immemorial. From nursery rhymes to classical Shakespeare to “Daffodils” and till date, how we love rhymes!

AA, ABAB, AABB, ABCB, or a more complex one, rhyme is something that makes us sing the whole thing and makes it pass smooth like butter.

If you don’t write in rhyme, no problem…but rhyme is certainly amazing…!





Metre and Scales. Well, if one doesn’t follow rhyme, following a scale is quite an advantage. If you follow both, wow!

Personally, I never look much at scales, but sometimes a perfectly composed scale draws my attention like a splendid rose in the bush and then I go gaga over it.

 Metres obviously are one of the important shining elements of poetry(not much easily found), and it is amazing to write in one.



Puns and other literary criticism

Look, let me be straight forward, without puns, paradoxes, hyperbole, oxymoron, alliteration, irony, etc……it sucks at times.

If you just write, “I have a dog and it is brown in color” it is not a poem.

Everything is not a poem.

No puns or literary criticism is like, ok (but seriously…no criticism??), but you must have something there that says more than your words. At least make them think a bit. A plain straight poem with not much literary criticism has become one of the favorite tastes of today, but again; do make them think a bit. Make them learn a bit.



A poem without any of the three mentioned above (Rhymes, metres, literary criticism), is not likely to be appreciated much.

Though being a good poet does not depend only on these for sure.



So, if you are on for being a poet or writing a poem, go straight, but leave some voids for your readers to stop, think, reason, judge and appreciate. Make it adorable, but never compromise with the truth…for truth is what literature should be.

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